Fixum Interest & Income Fund is a limited partnership fund (usaldusfond) that is operating under Estcap Asset Management OÜ licence as a small fund manager registered with Finantsinspektsioon (Estonian Financial Inspection). Fixum Interest & Income Fund is represented by NaviGP OÜ owned by Estcap Asset Management OÜ who has mandated NaviAdvisor OÜ to make investement decisions on behalf of Fixum Interest & Income Fund. NaviAdvisor OÜ is represented by Aavo Koppel. NaviGP OÜ is acting as general partner and NaviAM OÜ as the limited partner of Fixum Interest & Income Fund. NaviAM OÜ is also one of the founding investors in Fixum Interest & Income Fund from the establishment of Fixum Interest & Income Fund.